Enrichment, Adventure, New Experiences


Enrichment, Adventure, New Experiences

"Let them sniff...their world is made of scents, more than sights.
Alexandra Horowitz

Enrichment is important for your dog’s health – mentally and physically! You may or may not have heard of the term “enrichment” before. Merriam-Webster defines it: to make rich or richer especially by the addition or increase of some desirable quality, attribute, or ingredient.

Enrichment for Zali on this Saturday morning meant;

Getting up early, no time to waste

Going for a fun car ride, lots of different things to see on her ride

A walk at the reservoir, so many great trees, logs and bushes to smell on our walk

A jump up on the wooden benches for a photo opportunity

Lots of different bird sounds to hear and experience

No water in our favourite watering hole, we’ll look forward to when winter comes to enjoy that again

A walk out on the two boardwalk/jettys to look for little “duckies” - so much fun

Back to the car when there’s lots of people arriving for the park run

Then back in the car for another short road trip to one of our favourite cafes Percy & Percy’s for breakfast, a special smacko treat ordered for Zali. She always waits with excitement for her special treat to arrive

Two other labradors to meet at the cafe and a very cute Golden Retriever puppy too

What a great morning of adventure and new experiences. Now back home for a rest before more fun this afternoon.

Happy Long Weekend everyone.


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